Why do I have to fight the PowerPuff Girls,they are supposed to eb the justice!
This game is like Abobo's Big Adventure.
The beat them up look really though and the dragon is really over powered.
Even the final boss is over powered! It was a frustration to beat him!I lose two Health because of his axe and explosive,that seen to be avoidable by spamming the A button.
What a shame that the site doesn't registre the acheivment get. (I wonder if it is the same Site Glutch I have seen before.)
I guess the final boss brainwash girls because of their powers.
Wow,I didn't know there was an easter egg if we wait in the title screen for to long!
This game use strange combination,PPG and other game charactere.
Yet it is an enjoyable game to play.I couldn't finish it, the final boss is hard.